
Acudetox ™ (Acupuncture Detoxification) has brought relief to hundreds of millions of people suffering with addiction, mental illness, or toxicity related illness.
Perfected by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) this is a no-nonsense, non-verbal, drug/pharmaceutical free, and barrier-free approach to behavioural health using auricular acupuncture to detoxify the body. A simple 5 point protocol perfected over some 40 years and backed by research and results.
Acupuncture treats emotional and psychological conditions.
- Auricular Acupuncture is the process of treating the human body through acupuncture in the ears.
Auricular Acupuncture is effective in treating Addiction, ADD / ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder), Depression, Bi-polar Disorder, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), Emotional disorders, and other Toxicity related dis-eases.
AcuDetox ™ is the most powerful and fastest way in the world to remove toxins from the human body. It’s the fastest way to treat stress and anger problems.
Benefits of AcuDetox
AcuDetox is used to detoxify the human body – treating emotional and psychological conditions. This process of Auricular Detoxification removes toxins and restores balance to the organs, brain chemistry and mind.
Some of the benefits of AcuDetox reported by clients and clinicians include “a more optimistic and cooperative attitude towards the process of recovery, reduction in cravings, anxiety, and sleep disturbance, and less need for pharmaceuticals”.
Auricular Acupuncture
Auricular treatment (ear acupuncture) is a form of alternative medicine. Based on the idea that the ear is a micro system, which reflects the entire body. It is represented on the auricle – the outer portion of the ear. Conditions affecting the physical, mental or emotional health of the patient have shown to be treatable by stimulation of the surface of the ear exclusively.
In ear acupuncture there is an orderly, anatomical arrangement of points located within the depressions of the outer ear. The NADA 5 points serve to balance the body’s energy and assist the body’s healing processes.
NADA Founder, Dr Michael Smith, wrote
NADA is a foundation. A foundation is the basic part of having something done successfully – you can build many different types of houses on it. It is also a demonstration of what sobriety is, of what a person’s own value is. A patient says, “I don’t deserve to relax.” Acupuncture tells the person that “Nature forgives you ever day – you’re not broken, there’s a possibility for growth.” You don’t tell the person, the person perceives it.
And, moreover, NADA is a gift. Clients are very needy but it’s hard to give them anything. It’s hard to give something to people who have low self-esteem – they don’t know how to accept anything. Acupuncture looks like you’re bringing something from the outside, but what the patients are getting is the ability to use parts of their own mind and spirit that they weren’t able to use before – it gives them a part of themselves that was always there.
And NADA is sharing. Part of this sharing is the group Qi effect. The treatment should be done quickly to allow the Qi to move easily. Clients feel they’re being judged all the time, they think they don’t deserve to relax. But you put in a needle and, within a few minutes, the patient is feeling more comfortable. Initially the clients don’t trust you – they don’t trust themselves, why should they trust you? – but, because the treatment is non-verbal, this doesn’t make any difference. They begin to realize for themselves that they’re not broken, that something works – and it works because they’re alive.
A Symbol
Nada is too as a symbol for the subtle and perennial sound; sound within silence of compassion & peace.
Nada is the first stirring within. Stirring that heralds the beginning of the evolutionary process and from which radiates energy and matter. That is space, formless atmosphere, fire, water and earth. The basic constituents of the ever-evolving universe.
In his book “A Clean Well-Lighted Place” Ernest Hemingway gives just the bare minimum of information. He leaves the readers with nothing so as to help them feel the “nada”. To understand the connections too between emotional darkness, isolation, and existential depression. However, the author shows a way to escape the pain of nada. In order to survive with dignity, to cheat the nada, one has to find a place, a pleasant place, “with the light, a certain cleanness, and order.”
Nada is experienced by an unagitated mind that leads to eternal bliss.