Emotional Trauma

Emotional Trauma, often overlooked, lies at the heart of many types of addictions and dis-eases.
Trauma has been associated not only with drug addiction but also with overeating, gambling, compulsive sexual behaviour and other types of addictions.
Toxic experiences being severe childhood stress (e.g. abuse, neglect, loss of a parent, domestic violence, having an addicted or mentally ill parent).
In recent years, there has been a renewed awareness and treatment of trauma as a co-occurring disorder.
Trauma is particularly damaging when it occurs in childhood. Young children do not have a frame of reference to put the toxic (traumatic) experiences in context or try to make sense of them. Rather than thinking about or reliving the event, the individual may use drugs, alcohol, or other substances or behaviours to numb feelings of fear, powerlessness or depression or to cope with intrusive memories.
Often, patients are unaware that their addiction is to cope with the symptoms of trauma. They may have little or no recollection of toxic (traumatic) experiences. Only to get into their 30s or 40s before they begin noticing problematic patterns in their relationships or professional lives that they can’t seem to resolve.
Those who enter rehabilitation programs may get stuck in a cycle of chronic relapse (e.g. stop using drugs). Only to self-soothe with an eating disorder, sex addiction or self-harm since the underlying problem (trauma) remains unaddressed.
Emotional trauma may manifest in disorders that include:
- ADD and ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder),
- Bi-Polar Disorder,
- Depression,
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder,
- OCD (Obsesive Compulsive Disorder),
- Panic Disorder,
- PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) .
Trauma can be defined broadly as a stress that causes physical or emotional harm from which you cannot remove yourself.
Toxin can be classified as the presence of a substance, emotion or memory that causes imbalance in the body, organs or brain chemistry.
AcuDetox is a supportive modality and should be used as and when needed. It supports people through all phases of recovery, namely withdrawal, detoxification, abstinence and relapse prevention.
Auricular Acupuncture is the most powerful and fastest method to remove toxins from the human body.